Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Lady With The Stuff

I just got back yesterday from a weekend trip to Santa Fe. It's always so good to get a chance to see my friends, see a ton-o galleries, and one of the most important events...visit the lady with the stuff. I'm talking about my dear friend and fabulous artist's resource, Laura Stanziola. Laura lives just outside Santa Fe in Eldorado. She used to be my neighbor and she was less than a five minute drive away. Now she is a six hour drive away, and still well worth the drive.

So what is so wonderful about Laura you may ask?

Laura is herself a brilliant artist and she is a buyer of paper ephemera and objects that she sells to artists. Her collection now tops 50,000 items and all of these goodies are beautifully organized and sold from her home. And since she collects the stuff she sells with an artist's sensibility what she has to offer is delicious. If you are anywhere near Santa Fe give her a call to set up an appointment at (505) 466-2525.

Feast your eyes on just a portion of my latest acquisitions from the Laura collection.


sf said...

Yhr snapshots I got from Laura were some of my best art purchases ever...

sf said...

Typing without looking!1 THE snapshots...